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Presentation and use of SSH certificates

Created on:
Xavier Béguin

Usual use of SSH keys

The role of trust between client and server

SSH keys are powerful tools that notably allow to guarantee the identity of the remote peer on the network without exchanging any shared secret.

To connect to a server through SSH, the client needs to trust the identity of the server (to avoid attacks of the type man in the middle), and before granting access to the system, a server obviously needs to trust the identity of the connecting client to allow access to the server only to trusted user.

Most of the time, these two independent types of identity verification are based on SSH keys in the ways we will describe below before showing how SSH certificates can be used for the same operations.

Authentication of the client by the server

In order for the server to trust the connecting client, the system administrator (or the users themself, if they can authenticate using other means, e.g. a password) must place the public key of each user in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the target account.

When the client connects to the server, it uses the private SSH key of the user, whose authenticity is verified by the server using the matching public key stored in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the account the client tries to connect to.

Authentication of the server by the client

On its first connection to a server, the client records a public key provided by the server, presuming the key really belongs to the host it seeks to connect to.

Before trusting it though, the client will usually ask the user to confirm whether they accepts the connection and the recording of the server key. This is presented this way:

~$ ssh lab.example.org
The authenticity of host 'lab.example.org (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wxocsOPNEfYuuTcXGuitKR8RUowpGbgpXTEsXXirAFI.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'lab.example.org' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

If the user accepts to continue connecting to the server, the client will record the server key in its file ~/.ssh/known_hosts (by default indexed on a hash of the name of the server as provided to the SSH client).

The command ssh-keygen -F <hôte> allows for searching a host key in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts. For example:

~$ ssh-keygen -F lab.example.org
# Host lab.example.org found: line 133
|1|4M/wUtH5ptcDaJ7BwKPcpci6iZA=|Ba7Gk24pQ4qdIg4hR5KVIjdGo7Y= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJeB2B5fn2SX2m38FI2OeZN3Bvb7E9XIImWIQiCCdEEAH+0lbFhRxgTU2mAOlp3+Ciz9DgKW2yAX7g26E73LWSI=

On the next connections, the client will similarly look up the server public key in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts. If the recorded public key matches the private key used on the server, the client will trust the server and proceed to the authentication. Should this not be the case, the client will end the connection and display a message to the user indicating the server they tries to connect to did not provide the same SSH key it did on the last connection, which could indicate that the host is not really the server they tries to connect to.

We notice here a weakness in the protocol, as on the first connection, the user who blindly accepts the SSH key of the server takes the risk to connect to a server that is not the one they thinks it is.

This risk can be avoided if the public keys of the servers are distributed by different means for the users to add to their known_hosts file, allowing for authenticating the server on their very first connection.

A variant of this solution if made easier in recent-ish versions of OpenSSH where, as shown in the example above, instead of answering yes or no to the client asking whether to continue the connection, it is possible to provide the fingerprint of the expected SSH key. The connection will then only continue if the fingerprint really matches the one of the key provided by the server (which is more reliable than visually verifying the fingerprint printed by the client).

Use of SSH based on SSH certificates

As we just saw above, in the “usual” use of SSH keys:

  • the server authenticates clients using SSH keys stored in the user account's file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
  • the client authenticates the server it connects to using the public key provided by the server on its first connection and stored in the known_hosts file.

Using certificates, the server, just like the client, still use its pair of keys, but additionally use an certificate that consists of a signature of the associated SSH key made using a key that represents the Certification Authority, expanded with some identity information, principals, options.

Thus, instead of trusting public keys stored in authorized_keys files, the server only needs to trust a single public key representing the Certification Authority that creates the certificates, that enables the verification of the authenticity of the SSH keys.

Likewise, instead of having to keep a list of trusted public keys of servers in its known_hosts file, the client only needs to trust a public key representing the Certification Authority that provides the SSH certificates.

Practical implementation of certificates

Two distinct certification authorities

In practice, the pair of keys that represents the certification authority that generates the certificates is a simple pair of SSH keys like those used for the authentication of servers or clients.

It is recommended to use a different pair of keys as certification authority for the servers and the clients. This distinction is not mandatory, but it is consistent with the authentication of servers and the one of clients being two independent operations, although using the same method.

Generation of certification authority keys

We first generate the two key pairs that will serve as certification authority (CA), one for the server certificates, the other for the client certificates, using the command ssh-keygen, like we do for any SSH key.

These keys can be of any type, here we will use ed25519 keys (ecdsa or other types can also be used). The option -C used below allows to clearly differentiate the two public keys by providing a comment:

ssh-keygen -a 256 -t ed25519 -C 'server CA' -f server_ac
ssh-keygen -a 256 -t ed25519 -C 'client CA' -f client_ac

It is recommended to choose a long passphrase to correctly protect these particularly sensitive keys, and only use them on a properly isolated and secure host.

The option -a used in the commands above is not strictly required but allows to specify the number of KDF (key derivation function) rounds used by ssh-keygen to protect the private key using its passphrase.

When this option is not specified, by default 16 rounds are used. As stated in the ssh-keygen(1) manpage, “higher numbers result in slower passphrase verification and increased resistance to brute-force password cracking (should the keys be stolen).” The passphrase being verified only when the key is loaded and the verification not being significantly slowed down, it is recommended to increase this number.

Here is an example output of one of these commands:

# ssh-keygen -a 256 -t ed25519 -C 'server CA' -f server_ac
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in server_ac
Your public key has been saved in server_ac.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:e7wnSbMmyStx4K0+Mk3dj/03m/bI4Fk823EL0WdD8l4 server CA
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|                 |
|                 |
|             . . |
|      .       =  |
|     . +S.   . +E|
|      + +o+  .o.+|
|     o =.ooB..+o.|
|    o = +.*o+=.B*|
|     +.o.+.oo.*=*|

Creation of a client certificate

A certificate is generated for a client by signing the public key generated by the user using the key of the certification authority (client_ac in our case):

ssh-keygen -s /path/to/client_ac -I key_id -n principal /path/to/user_key.pub

In this command:

  • -s /path/to/client_ac indicates the path to the private key that represents the certification authority used for client certificates;
  • -I key_id indicates an identity that can be freely chosen and can contain spaces (although accented characters will not be correctly printed). It will be logged on certificate use and can be used to designate the certificate in a key revocation list if it does not have a serial number (see my article “Key Revocation Lists on OpenSSH”);
  • -n name1,name2,… specifies one or more principals to be included in the certificate:
    • for a client certificate, at least one principal must be specified to designate the username of the account the user will be allowed to log in as (multiple usernames can be specified, separated by commas),
    • if the username of the target account is not found in the certificate principals, the authentication will fail and the error message “error: Certificate invalid: name is not a listed principal” will be found in the logs (by default auth.log on Debian),
    • if no principal appear in the certificate, the authentication will fail and the error message “error: Certificate lacks principal list” will be found in the logs (although this seems to contradict the manpage ssh-keygen(1) that states that “By default, generated certificates are valid for all users or hosts.”).
  • /path/to/user_key.pub is the argument that designates the public key of the user that the certificate will certify.

Below is an example output of the generation of a certificate based on the public key id_ed25519.pub for a user (the passphrase asked below is the one that protects the private key client_ac):

# ssh-keygen -s client_ac -I "Herschel Krustofski" -n krusty id_ed25519.pub
Enter passphrase:
Signed user key id_ed25519-cert.pub: id "Herschel Krustofski" serial 0 valid forever

The certificate resulting from this operation will be written to the file id_ed25519-cert.pub in the same directory as the one of the key provided as argument (the current directory in this example).

A certificate can be examined using the option -L of ssh-keygen:

$ ssh-keygen -L -f id_ed25519-cert.pub
        Type: ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com user certificate
        Public key: ED25519-CERT SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE
        Signing CA: ED25519 SHA256:iuqKv2w9iXf+Cj3+0+/EqPxghEYAbWJQuReDkZXtBYs (using ssh-ed25519)
        Key ID: "Herschel Krustofski"
        Serial: 0
        Valid: forever
        Critical Options: (none)

Use of a client certificate

On the SSH server side

In order for the SSH server to recognize the validity of the signatures in the certificates presented by the connecting SSH clients, the public key of the certification authority that generated them must be made available to it (in our example, it is the key stored in the file client_ac.pub).

This key must be provided in a file referenced in the configuration file of the SSH server (/etc/ssh/sshd_config on Debian GNU/Linux systems) using the directive TrustedUserCAKeys:

TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/client_ac_keys

This file may contain several keys used to generate client certificates. We will append the key of our example to the file:

cat client_ac.pub >> /etc/ssh/client_ac_keys

The SSH server must then be restarted to take into account the new configuration:

service ssh restart

A certificate presented by a client will by default only be considered when its lists of principals (provided by the -n option on its generation) contains the username of the account it tries to connect to.

It is however possible to accept, for each account, a list of principals different from its username.

For that, a file specific to each account must be specified that will be read to find the list of principals accepted for the account. These files must be referred to by the directive AuthorizedPrincipalsFile in sshd_config.

The argument to this directive can include %u to designate the login of the account, %U for the uid of the account, and %h for its homedir. For example, to use a file for each user in the directory /etc/ssh/auth_principals, we could use:

AuthorizedPrincipalsFile /etc/ssh/auth_principals/%u

Instead of using a file, it is also possible to dynamically generate a list of accepted principals for an account using a custom command specified by the directive AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand that will be run by the account specified by AuthorizedPrincipalsCommandUser. For more details, refer to the description of these directives in the manpage sshd_config(5).

On the client side

On the client side, the user must send their SSH public key, id_ed25519.pub in our example, to the server administrator and they will receive in return the certificate id_ed25519-cert.pub generated from it and signed by the client certification authority.

The user simply has to place the file id_ed25519-cert.pub in the same directory as the file id_ed25519 of their SSH key. During a connection that uses this id_ed25519 key, the SSH client will then automatically present the certificate to the server.

We can also note that our local SSH agent automatically loads the certificate when loading the key:

~$ ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.
~$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Enter passphrase for /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519:
Identity added: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519 (herschel@laptop)
Certificate added: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519-cert.pub (Herschel Krustofski)
~$ ssh-add -l
256 SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE herschel@laptop (ED25519)
256 SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE herschel@laptop (ED25519-CERT)

The user therefore does not need to change their configuration compared to the usual use of their SSH key. They can mention the key as usual:

  • using the -i option for ssh on the command line, for example:
    ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 lab.exemple.org
  • or using the directive IdentityFile in their client configuration file ~/.ssh/config (usually in a Host section), for example :
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Assuming the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the target account on the server we connect to using the SSH key is empty, we notice that the server still authorizes the connection based on the SSH key thanks to the certificate:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 lab.exemple.org
Linux lab 5.10.0-22-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.178-3 (2023-04-22) x86_64
Last login: Thu May 11 11:05:23 2023 from

The use of the certificate can also be verified using the option -v of the ssh client during the connection:

$ ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 lab.exemple.org
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519 SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE explicit agent
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519-CERT SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE explicit agent
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519 SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE explicit agent
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Offering public key: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519-CERT SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE explicit agent
debug1: Server accepts key: /home/herschel/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519-CERT SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE explicit agent
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Linux lab 5.10.0-22-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.178-3 (2023-04-22) x86_64
Last login: Thu May 11 11:05:23 2023 from

We notice in these debugging lines printed by ssh that the SSH key is first provided to the server without the certificate. As it was not authorized in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the remote account, the authentication fails and the client tries again by also presenting the certificate, which this time leads to a successful authentication.

This shows that the usual use of the SSH keys based on authorized_keys is still possible while using a certificate and that it is attempted first by the SSH client.

On the server side, in case of successful authentication, a message similar to the one below will be printed in the system logs:

Accepted publickey for herschel from port 40160 ssh2: ED25519-CERT SHA256:QfLKGkjku0mCMS9bTJPtuCkie3Cr158kb9C7axTYXRE ID Herschel Krustofski (serial 0) CA ED25519 SHA256:iuqKv2w9iXf+Cj3+0+/EqPxghEYAbWJQuReDkZXtBYs

Creation of a server certificate

A certificate is generated for a server by signing one of its public keys using the key of the certification authority (server_ac in our example):

ssh-keygen -s /path/to/server_ac -I key_id -h -n principal /path/to/host_key.pub

On this command:

  • -s /path/to/server_ac indicates the path to the private key that represents the certification authority used for server certificates;
  • -I key_id indicates an identity that can be freely chosen and can contain spaces (although accented characters will not be correctly printed). It will be shown in the verbose output of the client (using the -v option of ssh) on certificate use and can be used to designate the certificate in a key revocation list if it does not have a serial number (see my article “Key Revocation Lists on OpenSSH”);
  • -h must be used to generate certificates for hosts/servers, as opposed to certificates authenticating clients. If this options is not present, the client will refuse the server certificate with the error “Certificate invalid: not a host certificate”;
  • -n principal1,principal2,… specifies one or more principals to be included in the certificate. For a server certificate, these principals must be the (comma separated list of) DNS names of the server for which the certificate should be valid. If no principals are specified, SSH clients will accept the certificate from any server (as long as it originates from a trusted certification authority, obviously).

Below is an example output of the generation of a certificate based on the public key ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub for a server lab.example.org (the passphrase asked below is the one that protects the private key server_ac):

# ssh-keygen -s server_ac -I "Test Server" -h -n lab.example.org,w1.example.org ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub
Enter passphrase:
Signed host key ssh_host_ecdsa_key-cert.pub: id "Test Server" serial 0 for lab.example.org valid forever

The certificate resulting from this operation will be written in the file ssh_host_ecdsa_key-cert.pub in the same directory as the one of the key provided as argument (the current directory in this example).

Again, the certificate can be examined using the option -L of ssh-keygen:

# ssh-keygen -L -f ssh_host_ecdsa_key-cert.pub
        Type: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com host certificate
        Public key: ECDSA-CERT SHA256:wxocsORNEfXuuTcXGwitKR8RUompGbgpXTEsXXirAFI
        Signing CA: ED25519 SHA256:e7wnSbMmyStx4K0+Mk3dj/03m/bI4Fk823EL0WdD8l4 (using ssh-ed25519)
        Key ID: "Test Server"
        Serial: 0
        Valid: forever
        Critical Options: (none)
        Extensions: (none)

Use of a server certificate

On the SSH server side

The certificate thus generated must be referenced in the SSH server configuration (in its sshd_config file) using the directive HostCertificate:

HostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key-cert.pub

This certificate must match one of the keys designated explicitly or implicitly (through its default values) by a HostKey directive. In our example, the certificate matches the key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key used by default by the SSH server.

As with each modification of its configuration, the SSH server must be restarted to take into account its new configuration:

service ssh restart

The SSH server provides several host keys to connecting clients using different algorithms or key types, and the client will choose the type it prefers to use based on a list specified in its configuration (defined by the directive HostKeyAlgorithms).

Note however that, by default, this list considers certificates before any keys. This means that the selection of the certificate types by the client is independent of the selection of key types.

On the client side

While connecting, the client receives a certificate provided by the SSH server. It then needs the public key of the certification authority used to generate it to be able to verify the signature of the server public key (included in the certificate) by this authority.

The public key of the certification authority must therefore be specified to the client. This is achieved in the SSH client configuration file ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

This specification is realized using a line starting with @cert-authority:

  • a pattern or a list of patterns separated by commas must be given as the first parameter to designate the servers this CA key should be applied to;
  • in these patterns, * matches a series of characters and ? any character;
  • the pattern ”*” used alone specifies that this key can sign certificates for any server;
  • the rest of the line provides the type of key and the key itself, encoded in base64.

Below are some examples specifying certification authority keys:

@cert-authority * ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICSsDZABRKynUuiV5kyfDEgmwEgZ8a1pCsuRficEksDU Some Certification Authority
@cert-authority *.sub.example.org ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICSsDZABRKynUuiV5kyfDEgmwEgZ8a1pCsuRficEksDU Another certification authority
@cert-authority *.example.com,*.example.net ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICSsDZABRKynUuiV5kyfDEgmwEgZ8a1pCsuRficEksDU CA for Acme, Corp.

Once the public key of the certification authority is specified, the client will be able to automatically authenticate servers that provide a certificate it has generated.

The use of the keyword @cert-authority in a known_hosts file is described in the section SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS FILE FORMAT of the manpage sshd(8).

This section explains in particular that the SSH client compares the pattern given as an argument to the keyword @cert-authority with:

  • the name of the server as it was provided by the user;
  • or the name specified by the directive HostKeyAlias if the connection was configured in the file ~/.ssh/ssh_config and such a directive was used;
  • or else with the canonical name of the server if the directive CanonicalizeHostname was used in ~/.ssh/ssh_config.

The option -v of the ssh command allows to verify, if necessary, that the certificate was used by the SSH client and gives useful information if this is not the case. Here are a few examples of messages printed by ssh in different cases:

  • in the positive case where the name of the server we're trying to connect to really matches the pattern of a @cert-authority line, that the provided certificate includes the full name of the server in its principals (or that there are no principals), and that the key signature is valid, everything will work as intended ant the command will print the following messages (before continuing with its own authentication):
    ~$ ssh -v lab.example.org
    OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5+deb11u1, OpenSSL 1.1.1n  15 Mar 2022
    debug1: Server host certificate: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com SHA256:wxocsORNEfXuuTcXGwitKR8RUompGbgpXTEsXXirAFI, serial 0 ID "Test Server" CA ssh-ed25519 SHA256:e7wnS
    bMmyStx4K0+Mk3dj/03m/bI4Fk823EL0WdD8l4 valid forever
    debug1: Host 'lab.example.org' is known and matches the ECDSA-CERT host certificate.
    debug1: Found CA key in /home/herschel/.ssh/known_hosts:1
    [follow messages related to the user authentication]
  • in case no pattern given with a keyword @cert-authority matches the name of the server, or the matching certificate was not generated by the configured CA key, the message “No matching CA found” will be printed and the client will fall back to using the usual method of validation of the server public key and will look it up in the known_host file and offer the user to add it if it was not found:
    ~$ ssh -v lab.example.org
    debug1: Server host certificate: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com SHA256:wxocsORNEfXuuTcXGwitKR8RUompGbgpXTEsXXirAFI, serial 0 ID "Test Server" CA ssh-ed25519 SHA256:e7wnS
    bMmyStx4K0+Mk3dj/03m/bI4Fk823EL0WdD8l4 valid forever
    debug1: No matching CA found. Retry with plain key
    The authenticity of host 'lab.example.org (' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wxocsORNEfXuuTcXGwitKR8RUompGbgpXTEsXXirAFI.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
  • lastly, if the principal of the certificate is example.org and we are trying to connect to lab.example.org for example (or any other name not included in the list of principals), the client will print the message “Certificate invalid: name is not a listed principal” (unless the list of principals is empty, in which case the client will accept any valid certificate):
    ~$ ssh -v lab.example.org
    debug1: Server host certificate: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com SHA256:wxocsORNEfXuuTcXGwitKR8RUompGbgpXTEsXXirAFI, serial 0 ID "Test Server" CA ssh-ed25519 SHA256:e7wnS
    bMmyStx4K0+Mk3dj/03m/bI4Fk823EL0WdD8l4 valid forever
    debug1: Host 'lab.example.org' is known and matches the ECDSA-CERT host certificate.
    debug1: Found CA key in /home/herschel/.ssh/known_hosts:1
    Certificate invalid: name is not a listed principal
    debug1: No matching CA found. Retry with plain key

Additional options supported by certificates

Serial number

We saw in the examples printing certificates (using ssh-keygen -L) earlier that other options were supported in these certificates, in addition to the ones described in the previous sections.

Among these additional options, a serial number (designated by the label Serial: when printing certificates) can be specified when generating a certificate, using the option -z of the command ssh-keygen. It allows to distinguish a certificate from other certificates issued by the certification authority (which can be used in particular to designate a certificate in the Key Revocation Lists, ou KRLs, as described in my article “Key Revocation Lists on OpenSSH”).

Validity interval

The validity (designated by the label Valid: when printing certificate) can be specified using the option -V of ssh-keygen. If the argument for this option is a single time, then the certificate will be valid from now to the specified time. If two times separated by a colon are provided, the certificate will be valid in this time interval.

A time specification can be a date in the formats YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD-HHMM[SS], or a date relative to the present time, as described in the section TIME FORMATS of the manpage sshd_config(5), for example “-15d” for 15 days in the past, or “+5w3d” for 5 weeks and 3 days in the future.

The starting time can also be always to indicate that the certificate does not have a start of validity, and the ending time can be forever to indicate the certificate does not have any expiration date. Both these keywords represent the default validity interval when none are provided.

Other options

More options can be specified using the command option -O option, that allow to limit the use of the certificate, depending on its use. Refer to section CERTIFICATES in ssh-keygen(1) for a more detailed description. They can be used to forbid transfers of ports, agent, X11 displays, force a command, etc., like SSH key options can in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.